Ways to Get Involved

Volunteer Opportunities

  • Events and Programs

    Keeping our neighborhood vibrant and strong requires engagement from caring neighbors like you. Whether you are looking for an opportunity to help out once in a while at an event or by stepping up to help plan regular programs, we would be glad you have you join us! Please contact the Em Curtis, Director of Advancement at em@lexham.org.

  • Committees to Join

    Executive Committee

    Finance Committee

    Personnel Committee

    Building Community Committee

    Crime and Safety Committee

    Fundraising Committee

    Housing and Development

    Parks and Open Spaces

    It takes many caring neighbors to keep our community strong, safe, and vibrant. If interested in more information about volunteering for one of our committees, drop a note to: lexham@lexham.org.

  • Block Leader Program

    Each block in Lex-Ham has a leader that helps to share information with their neighbors. Several times a year, residents will receive flyers about community-wide upcoming events delivered by their block leader. Some blocks are active year round with additional get-togethers that are planned by their block leader and many look forward to National Night Out with their neighbors every summer. We believe that knowing your immediate neighbors is the best tool you have to increase safety…and enjoy life more! If you are looking for block party ideas or wondering who your block leader is, contact the Lex-Ham office at lexham@lexham.org.

  • Sponsorship Opportunities

    If you haven’t heard of the Lexington-Hamline Community Council, we work to improve the quality of life and bring about positive community change in the Lexington-Hamline neighborhood of Saint Paul. This is done through the active involvement of neighborhood residents in com